

Sometime in 1999, my family moved to the US.  I was 9 yrs old at that time. I am an Albanian from Montenegro, former Yugoslavia. In our culture, as a sign of respect, the children will not speak back to the parents.  It is frowned upon and its severely punished. When we came to America, i had to stay with my uncle, in Queens, for a while.  My second day here I saw a young boy speak back to his parents.  I asked my cousin, who was around 12 years old, what happened, and she told me that kids can talk back to their parents because parents can't hit their children. So one Thursday night, there were some guest over my cousins house.  After dinner I started to watch WWF Smackdown.  At around 9pm, i usually went to sleep because I had to wake up at 6am for school.  But i really wanted to watch the final match, which came on around 9:45pm, I wanted to watch Stone Cold Steve Austin fight The Rock. But my mother was not hearing it, she started bugging me around 9. Fifteen minutes later she had enough of my "Huh? I can't hear u" game so she got aggressive.  It was time, I had to try it out, talk back to my mom.  I stood up and i told her "Hell NO!" and proceeded to do the DX chant.  She didn't understand what "Hell NO!" meant but when she saw me do the chant she got angry.  For the people that don't know the chant, it goes something like this.  The guys stand in a row, raise their hands in the air and bring them down, crossing them by their crotches, and they proceed to do this at least 5 times in a row. That pissed her off.  She grabbed me by my sideburn and dragged me to the room.  For a lack of better words, she whooped my ass!!!  That was my first recognition of the differences in the two cultures.  But i love my parents for the tough love.  To this day I watch my tone and choice of words around my parents.  


  1. Well Abe, I don't really think parents don't hit their kids because they can't but because they choose not too. I was born and raised here and my mom still hit me when I did something wrong. She didn't abuse me or hit me that often but I can still recall a couple of times when I regretted doing what I did. Now, what you did was very courageous because I wouldn't even had attempted to do what you did to your mom. I think here in America it all depends on the parents. They choose their form of discipline. If they don't hit their children i think its more because of fear of judgement or the law.

  2. Its more acceptable and not illegal to slap your kids around in Montenegro. Well it was back then anyway, i don't know about now. But when i was 9, i thought i hit a goldmine. As i was exposed to the culture here, i found out that there are choices in ways you can discipline your children.

  3. Oh my goodness! You did the DX chant in front of your mother! From that point, I knew this story of yours would not end so well.
    Your post reminds me of a stand-up Russel Peters did on how non-immigrant families need to beat their kids. I definitely see that difference in immigrant families verses non-immigrant families. I, for one, have also experienced the beating, whooping, "lash" as they call it in my culture when I was younger. If not for those hard, physically felt experiences, though, I wouldn't be who I am today.

  4. o man i love that skit. "Russell, somebody gunna gt hurt real bad" lol

  5. I agree with you that parents don't hit their kids for some reasons. In my opinion, the way that children behave in America depends of their culture background. There are some families where kinds know what to say and when to say it because they have a certain level of education. I think in families where kids talk back to their parents could be parents' own fault. If parents are responsible, their children can behave in a good way.
