
Just thinking

Is anyone going to keep posting stuff or are you guys done with the blogging?




is interesting and fun

Arrange people up
to get things done

Nobody can stop you
you're efficient and green

And you lower costs
just for that C.R.E.A.M.

Gains on your mind
oh yeah! get paid!

End people's days
those who stand on your way


Heres my two cents, keep em'

     When I was told that we had to blog, I wasn't very comfortable with that idea.  It was another thing I had to worry about.  I like the routine that I have been in.  I do the readings, or homework and get it all done as efficiently as possible so I have time for other things.  When school started I was working full time, so creating a blog and managing it was going to be annoying.  
     The blog assignment turned about to be interesting, and the amount of time we had to finish them was good.  What I did was, I would write the responses at work and type them out when I got home.  This seemed to work well for me.  It was interesting to read what other people had to say, and it even was an ice breaker to start conversations. 
     When I did not have time to do the responses at work and I had to write them home when it was late, thats when i hated the blog assignment.  Many times I wanted to give up and not write anything, but I hate to mess up 20% of my grade.  
     At the end, I liked them.  They turned out to be fine, and I even go on at least twice a week to see if someone wrote on my page.  I think you should keep this assignment, but don't be surprise if people don't do them.  If I was very busy with work and school, I hate to admit it but, this would be the first assignment I would choose not to do.  Fortunately I was able to find time and I was able to do them all, so far.