
Heres my two cents, keep em'

     When I was told that we had to blog, I wasn't very comfortable with that idea.  It was another thing I had to worry about.  I like the routine that I have been in.  I do the readings, or homework and get it all done as efficiently as possible so I have time for other things.  When school started I was working full time, so creating a blog and managing it was going to be annoying.  
     The blog assignment turned about to be interesting, and the amount of time we had to finish them was good.  What I did was, I would write the responses at work and type them out when I got home.  This seemed to work well for me.  It was interesting to read what other people had to say, and it even was an ice breaker to start conversations. 
     When I did not have time to do the responses at work and I had to write them home when it was late, thats when i hated the blog assignment.  Many times I wanted to give up and not write anything, but I hate to mess up 20% of my grade.  
     At the end, I liked them.  They turned out to be fine, and I even go on at least twice a week to see if someone wrote on my page.  I think you should keep this assignment, but don't be surprise if people don't do them.  If I was very busy with work and school, I hate to admit it but, this would be the first assignment I would choose not to do.  Fortunately I was able to find time and I was able to do them all, so far. 


  1. Wow, it must have been difficult with the schedule you had, but you still got the assignments done. :) I agree that teh blog did seem like a pain when I had other assignments due around the same time, but when I didn't, I looked forward to writing my blog. I think that, although, most of us went through this hate/love relationship with the blogs, in the end, we all would rather have them than not.

  2. I think that we all thought that the blog would be a little tedious at first, even though many of us probably didn't have to juggle a full-time job in addition to school. But I think in general we all ended up liking the blog and found it a pretty useful tool for the class, not to mention a pretty easy way for us to boost our grades.

  3. It is true that CUNU students often have too many responsibilities and it may be difficult for them to do any extra assignment. Just like you I did not like the idea of writing the blog at the beginning of the semester. However, it turned out that I actually enjoyed writing it. I think this is because we could freely express our thoughts and ideas, and we did not have to worry about the structure or specific guidelines on how to maintain our blogs.

  4. The reason why I was able to write them was because I was very informal with them. I wrote as I was talking to friends, I didn't look at it as an assignment I had to complete.

  5. I completely agree. There were times when I was worrying about a few different assignments at once and writing a blog just added to all the chaos. But because it was so informal and we didn't have strict guidelines to follow, it made the process a lot less stressful while also allowing us to be creative and to also see the different viewpoints the class had toward different topics. I think that the blog was a much better assignment to have rather then writing a paper which have been quite a hassle. I think the blogs should stay and be introduced to other classes.

  6. I agree with you that having control over 20% of the grade was a pretty good motivation factor. Not to forget, these assignments didn't have to be academical (equal boring in the most cases). We had a chance to express ourselves and tell the classmates who we really are and what we reach for. Meeting the deadlines was the hardest part for me, because apparently there was nobody there reminding and collecting your comments. You had to be organized with yourself in the first place. You had to consistently keep going: writting, reviewing, reading other responses, finding people with common ground. I think that overall you did amazing job. I enjoyed reading your blog, especially McD assignment with spanish phrase))) that was funny. Anyway, it's the end of the semester, we should party! R u coming to Williamsbourg?
