

     I found out that i was a Di.  Dominance and Influence.  A Dominant managers emphasis is on shaping the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results.  A Influence managers emphasis is on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others. 
     I would say this test was pretty accurate.  I do tend to look for immediate results and I love to take on challenges.  I feel comfortable questioning the status quo and with the right crowd I'll even feel comfortable taking authority.  I do need  direct answers, I hate people that beat around the bush, and I like freedom from controls and supervision.  And if I see that there is room for advancement, I try to take advantage. 
     I do need someone who uses caution, calculates risk, and weights the pros and cons.  I tend to make quick decisions, and sometimes they aren't the best ones.  
     Overall I think this was pretty accurate, I find this helpful because now that I know what category I am in, I can take advantage of this and try to improve.  One thing I took from this was to pace myself and to relax, which helped me in my personal interactions.  If I had the choice to be another type, I would choose Steadiness.  It seems like that is the opposite of who I am and my management style.  


I need Visine

     I have to be honest here.  This looked like it was going to take me about 10 minutes to finish, but I have been here staring at a blank piece of paper for about half hour.  Holly crap! I though I had an idea of the direction I'm heading in.  But after giving this some serious though I came up with 5 goals.  1- Consider going for a higher degree, 2-Try to get a Series 7 License, 3- Try to get a better grip at the market, 4- Continue to graffiti, 5- Buy some turntables and go back to something i never finished.
     1- I considered going for some higher degree because I like school and I don't mind doing the work.  I would have to pick up another job to pay off the tuition or maybe borrow some money from family members.  I'm fortunate enough to have some family members who would be able to help me out, so that I would not need to go to a bank.  
     2- In 2008 I saved up $3500 bucks from working as a Bus Boy, and I wanted to invest it in Apple, when it was around $150. But my mother was scared that i would loose it all and begged me not to waste all my money on that crazy nonsense.  But this time around i would not listen to Mrs Buffett, and I would follow my intuition.  If i take some time and do research, I think I would be able to find something that would pay off.
     3-  I love to read Fortune and Forbes and WSJ.....whenever I can afford it or get a chance too.  I have been so busy that I don't have the chance to read.  But I would love to set some time, during the day, and at least read for 30 mins.  Wrap my head around what is going on.  It helps to know.
     4-  Ever since I saw the movie Style Wars back in 2005, I started to graffiti.  I mostly draw on my black book because spray cans cost too much and there is a high chance of getting caught.  And if you don't get caught, someone comes and writes all over your piece.  I like to just draw on my black book.  I have two that are filled up and the third is still fresh.  Again, I don't have any time to do that but if I could, I would love to at least take one hour a week and just draw stuff.  It helps me relax and I love the smell of paint markers.
     5-  When I was 13, I downloaded this program called virtual DJ and I purchased a small mixer.  I had a blast messing with that thing, and I even mixed some great stuff.  What I really want to do is get two turntables a mixer and buy Serato, and scratch.  Thats where the fun begins.  Time is a big factor, I never have enough.  I would need at least 2-3 hours at one time to get something going.